Back II Back International

backiibackmagazine 18 Feb , 2019

In 2009 Back II Back went global so that the magazine could be seen and viewed around the world. This change has meant that any companies advertising in the magazine could increase there customer foot print. The editor’s vision is that any one who visits the island has a good idea of the goods and services available whist at the same time bringing you an entertaining glossy magazine for you to peruse.

In 2011, Back II Back under went a major structural change as the President of company felt that the magazine needed some new blood. New writers and columnists have been enlisted to aid with the re launch of this already popular magazine. Some of which have now be granted a regular slot to showcase there work. (See meet the team)

The magazine now has something for everyone, due to its extensive list of international writers. Whether you are just into political information, ways to stay fit or the latest fashions across the world, Back II Back will be there to bring this all to you.

Although Back II Back has made these changes the core values have not changed so local issues will always be the crux of any edition. Local news and business is a key element that will not change. The magazines support of local business will continue as before.

Back II Back also helps migrants that have left St Kitts and Nevis stay in touch with their roots and keeping then up to date with the latest news and events on the island. It also now helps tourists understand the county they are visiting so that local customs can be up held.

Back II Back is going from strength to strength with new ideas being developed daily. Its international success has made these changes necessary so that the magazine can stay ahead of the game. It is estimated that the magazine will have reached as far as china and the west coast of the United States by the end of 2011.